Wednesday, October 20, 2021

4 Tips to Help You Write Attractive Headlines

If you are a small business advertising your products and services for the first time, it is vital for you to catch your target audience’s attention ASAP. The first three seconds are crucial since this can make or break whether your reader will proceed with the rest of your content. What better way to do this than writing attractive headlines?

 Here are a few tips that will help you sell more through great headlines.

1. Use Numbers

Believe it or not, using numbers as your primary pull works. This is because more people will feel that the content is more authentic and factual with proof going along with it. It’s also an effective way to set expectations on what they are going to read. At least they know how long the content will be and whether it’s worth their time. Keep in mind that there are no rules on which numbers are most catchy for the readers. However, copywriters have observed that the more obscure the number is, the more it gets the attention of your target audience.

 2. Provide a Unique Rationale

Rationale only refers to the primary reason why a person should do something. Meaning, do you have a compelling reason why your audience should read your content?


There are various keywords that can help you with your headline creation. Some of them are listed below, along with ways to utilize them:


        Reasons: 4 Reasons to Buy This New Apple Model

        Tips: 7 Tips to Drive Traffic to Your Website

        Ideas: 8 Ideas For Your Next Home Makeover

        Ways: 11 Ways to Keep Your Apartment Clean

        Lessons: 8 Lessons I Learned as a 8-Year-Old Freelance Writer

        Secrets: 9 Secrets to Making 6-Digits Monthly

        Strategies: 6 Strategies to Help You Make That Sale Online


 3. Craft a Unique Headline

 In order to stand out from others, you have to be unique. This means that your headline should not blend in into the mix. So, how do you test whether it is unique or not? All you have to do is type it in Google and enclose it with double quotation marks. The reason why you’re using double quotation marks is to check the exact result that you are aiming for. If it shows that there are “no results found,” then you’re good to go.

 Note: Don’t forget to remove the number on your headline since there are times that the words are the same, and it’s only the number that differentiates it from the others.

 4. Use the Word ‘You’ in Your Headline

Using the word ‘you’ in your headline is what we call the flagging technique. It is one of the most basic copywriter strategies out there, which has been proven effective countless times. The reason behind this is that the readers feel more engaged if you are directly talking to them. It captivates them on a deeper level. Even if you are a small business advertising for the first time, always remember that it’s still possible to reach your goals. Just craft an amazing headline, and your conversion rates will definitely improve.

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