Friday, July 24, 2020

The Future of Newspapers (and Possible Solutions)

 To many, the future of newspapers looks blurred, and some would even conclude they don't see a future in newspapers. While there are tangible reasons why they should think so, the fact is that the future of newspapers can still be fixed to avoid their extinction.
It is true that due to the changes in the human reading habit, the future of newspapers is not as bright. Also, the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide has further deepened the pain of the disappearing newspaper reading.
However, some things can be done so that the future of newspapers looks brighter once again. These arrangements are geared towards developing the newspaper industry but are also designed to help the industry shift to the internet era safely.

Lack of Prioritizing the Web and Reporting From The Same Platform
This might be surprising, but the fact is that most newspapers are putting their websites as a second option. This is because most of their revenue comes from printed ads. However, to get income from their websites, they also need to start prioritizing them.
The Newspaper Industry also needs to start reporting from different platforms. Many newspapers only consider print journalism. However, they should also think of reporting from the digital world, such as tweeting an incident or uploading a video on Instagram for the industry to survive.

Delivering The Same Content
For newspapers to survive, they need to come up with unique stories for each medium separately. Newspapers should stop the habit of treating their websites as the dumping site for their print news. If readers realize they can get the same story in print from the internet, they often times will not bother subscribing or buying a newspaper.
Thus newspapers should always come up with different stories for each medium separately.

Giving Up on Their Existing Circulation
The largest demographic of people who still consider buying newspapers are seniors. Mostly this is a habit they've adapted for many years and wouldn't mind subscribing every month for a newspaper. The paper, for many years, has always been the most effective Small Business Advertising platform.
Sadly, most newspaper companies are giving up their circulation. They either stop circulating or slash the circulation rate. Newspapers should be ready to continue circulating their print. In the future, there may be a need for higher circulation, and a good history of print circulation will ensure that the entire industry stays afloat.

Failure to Classify Journalism as a Public Service
This may be surprising, but the failure of identifying the journalists as public servants denies them a lot of opportunities. Allowing the journalist to enjoy things like federal loan forgiveness as with lawyers, nurses, and others will encourage the print journalist to keep up with their content. In the end, they would work extra hard to ensure the newspaper industry does not go down the drain.

The newspaper industry has more and more people that are depending on its growth. Thus it is very wise for the industry to work hard and try to curb its death. Some of the tips above are just the tip of the iceberg, and you can also include what you think is best for the industry to keep going.

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