Saturday, January 18, 2020

Neighborhood Small Business Advertising Tips

print media advertising in kansas city
Local advertising, especially neighborhood small business advertising, still has a solid place in your marketing strategy. Frequently you can combine local print advertising, in-person events, and social media marketing to grow your customer base. Here are some of the most effective small business advertising methods that are available in 2020. 

1) Use Customer Reviews
Sometimes your best advocates are on your Facebook "Community" page. Just consider that your customers might be taking selfies with your product or showing the positive results they're getting with it. So what should you do? Get their permission first, and then you could showcase their reviews in a print brochure or some other creative way.

2) Answer FAQs
Providing value will help to create loyal customers for your business. So how can you provide value? Well, one of the easiest ways to do this is to answer the questions that your target audience is always asking; if one person is asking a question, then several others are probably asking it too. Some good places to find questions are Yahoo Answers, Yelp reviews, Amazon reviews, and Facebook.

3) Advertise Your Online Reviews
Pair your best online reviews alongside with your best marketing materials to create an eye-catching print media advertisement. For example, you could combine an online five-star review of your business with your best product or location photo to create a simple but powerful custom graphic to help spread the word about your business.

4) Contests
A sweepstake or giveaway contest is a win-win marketing method for both you and the winner. How so? Because the winner will walk away with an awesome prize, and you will have a new loyal customer who can act as your new brand ambassador. With their permission, you can put their photo and their winning prize on a flyer or brochure.

5) Infographics In Print Advertising
As an expert in your industry, you'll have access to lots of valuable data. Put some of that information to good use and make it available to your audience. For example, you could turn that data into infographics for your print advertisements. After all, they say that a picture is worth a thousand words.

6) Giveaways For Photo Ops
Everyone loves giveaways, but they can also be a great photo-op for your business. The key to making them an integral part of your advertising strategy is to make them useful to both parties. Have your winners submit photos that you can use in your marketing materials (with their permission). You can also take the opportunity to gather the contact information of the contestants for your email lists.

7) Refer-A-Friend Program
Put your customers to work for your business with a refer-a-friend program! That way, you can channel the enthusiasm of your customers to grow your customer base exponentially. After all, distributing content is not always necessary. That's because people trust the opinions of their friends and families. As for rewards, they can be as simple as a discount off of their next purchase.

8) Hold An Event
With the help of social media, an event can generate buzz around your business. This way, print media advertising, social media advertising, and in-person marketing can all work together to produce an optimal outcome. Step one is to use print media advertising to promote your event. Step two is to hold the event. And finally, step three is to allow your online audience to grow as a result of that event.