Wednesday, October 20, 2021

4 Tips to Help You Write Attractive Headlines

If you are a small business advertising your products and services for the first time, it is vital for you to catch your target audience’s attention ASAP. The first three seconds are crucial since this can make or break whether your reader will proceed with the rest of your content. What better way to do this than writing attractive headlines?

 Here are a few tips that will help you sell more through great headlines.

1. Use Numbers

Believe it or not, using numbers as your primary pull works. This is because more people will feel that the content is more authentic and factual with proof going along with it. It’s also an effective way to set expectations on what they are going to read. At least they know how long the content will be and whether it’s worth their time. Keep in mind that there are no rules on which numbers are most catchy for the readers. However, copywriters have observed that the more obscure the number is, the more it gets the attention of your target audience.

 2. Provide a Unique Rationale

Rationale only refers to the primary reason why a person should do something. Meaning, do you have a compelling reason why your audience should read your content?


There are various keywords that can help you with your headline creation. Some of them are listed below, along with ways to utilize them:


        Reasons: 4 Reasons to Buy This New Apple Model

        Tips: 7 Tips to Drive Traffic to Your Website

        Ideas: 8 Ideas For Your Next Home Makeover

        Ways: 11 Ways to Keep Your Apartment Clean

        Lessons: 8 Lessons I Learned as a 8-Year-Old Freelance Writer

        Secrets: 9 Secrets to Making 6-Digits Monthly

        Strategies: 6 Strategies to Help You Make That Sale Online


 3. Craft a Unique Headline

 In order to stand out from others, you have to be unique. This means that your headline should not blend in into the mix. So, how do you test whether it is unique or not? All you have to do is type it in Google and enclose it with double quotation marks. The reason why you’re using double quotation marks is to check the exact result that you are aiming for. If it shows that there are “no results found,” then you’re good to go.

 Note: Don’t forget to remove the number on your headline since there are times that the words are the same, and it’s only the number that differentiates it from the others.

 4. Use the Word ‘You’ in Your Headline

Using the word ‘you’ in your headline is what we call the flagging technique. It is one of the most basic copywriter strategies out there, which has been proven effective countless times. The reason behind this is that the readers feel more engaged if you are directly talking to them. It captivates them on a deeper level. Even if you are a small business advertising for the first time, always remember that it’s still possible to reach your goals. Just craft an amazing headline, and your conversion rates will definitely improve.

Friday, July 24, 2020

The Future of Newspapers (and Possible Solutions)

 To many, the future of newspapers looks blurred, and some would even conclude they don't see a future in newspapers. While there are tangible reasons why they should think so, the fact is that the future of newspapers can still be fixed to avoid their extinction.
It is true that due to the changes in the human reading habit, the future of newspapers is not as bright. Also, the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide has further deepened the pain of the disappearing newspaper reading.
However, some things can be done so that the future of newspapers looks brighter once again. These arrangements are geared towards developing the newspaper industry but are also designed to help the industry shift to the internet era safely.

Lack of Prioritizing the Web and Reporting From The Same Platform
This might be surprising, but the fact is that most newspapers are putting their websites as a second option. This is because most of their revenue comes from printed ads. However, to get income from their websites, they also need to start prioritizing them.
The Newspaper Industry also needs to start reporting from different platforms. Many newspapers only consider print journalism. However, they should also think of reporting from the digital world, such as tweeting an incident or uploading a video on Instagram for the industry to survive.

Delivering The Same Content
For newspapers to survive, they need to come up with unique stories for each medium separately. Newspapers should stop the habit of treating their websites as the dumping site for their print news. If readers realize they can get the same story in print from the internet, they often times will not bother subscribing or buying a newspaper.
Thus newspapers should always come up with different stories for each medium separately.

Giving Up on Their Existing Circulation
The largest demographic of people who still consider buying newspapers are seniors. Mostly this is a habit they've adapted for many years and wouldn't mind subscribing every month for a newspaper. The paper, for many years, has always been the most effective Small Business Advertising platform.
Sadly, most newspaper companies are giving up their circulation. They either stop circulating or slash the circulation rate. Newspapers should be ready to continue circulating their print. In the future, there may be a need for higher circulation, and a good history of print circulation will ensure that the entire industry stays afloat.

Failure to Classify Journalism as a Public Service
This may be surprising, but the failure of identifying the journalists as public servants denies them a lot of opportunities. Allowing the journalist to enjoy things like federal loan forgiveness as with lawyers, nurses, and others will encourage the print journalist to keep up with their content. In the end, they would work extra hard to ensure the newspaper industry does not go down the drain.

The newspaper industry has more and more people that are depending on its growth. Thus it is very wise for the industry to work hard and try to curb its death. Some of the tips above are just the tip of the iceberg, and you can also include what you think is best for the industry to keep going.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Neighborhood Small Business Advertising Tips

print media advertising in kansas city
Local advertising, especially neighborhood small business advertising, still has a solid place in your marketing strategy. Frequently you can combine local print advertising, in-person events, and social media marketing to grow your customer base. Here are some of the most effective small business advertising methods that are available in 2020. 

1) Use Customer Reviews
Sometimes your best advocates are on your Facebook "Community" page. Just consider that your customers might be taking selfies with your product or showing the positive results they're getting with it. So what should you do? Get their permission first, and then you could showcase their reviews in a print brochure or some other creative way.

2) Answer FAQs
Providing value will help to create loyal customers for your business. So how can you provide value? Well, one of the easiest ways to do this is to answer the questions that your target audience is always asking; if one person is asking a question, then several others are probably asking it too. Some good places to find questions are Yahoo Answers, Yelp reviews, Amazon reviews, and Facebook.

3) Advertise Your Online Reviews
Pair your best online reviews alongside with your best marketing materials to create an eye-catching print media advertisement. For example, you could combine an online five-star review of your business with your best product or location photo to create a simple but powerful custom graphic to help spread the word about your business.

4) Contests
A sweepstake or giveaway contest is a win-win marketing method for both you and the winner. How so? Because the winner will walk away with an awesome prize, and you will have a new loyal customer who can act as your new brand ambassador. With their permission, you can put their photo and their winning prize on a flyer or brochure.

5) Infographics In Print Advertising
As an expert in your industry, you'll have access to lots of valuable data. Put some of that information to good use and make it available to your audience. For example, you could turn that data into infographics for your print advertisements. After all, they say that a picture is worth a thousand words.

6) Giveaways For Photo Ops
Everyone loves giveaways, but they can also be a great photo-op for your business. The key to making them an integral part of your advertising strategy is to make them useful to both parties. Have your winners submit photos that you can use in your marketing materials (with their permission). You can also take the opportunity to gather the contact information of the contestants for your email lists.

7) Refer-A-Friend Program
Put your customers to work for your business with a refer-a-friend program! That way, you can channel the enthusiasm of your customers to grow your customer base exponentially. After all, distributing content is not always necessary. That's because people trust the opinions of their friends and families. As for rewards, they can be as simple as a discount off of their next purchase.

8) Hold An Event
With the help of social media, an event can generate buzz around your business. This way, print media advertising, social media advertising, and in-person marketing can all work together to produce an optimal outcome. Step one is to use print media advertising to promote your event. Step two is to hold the event. And finally, step three is to allow your online audience to grow as a result of that event.

Monday, February 18, 2019

How Can Advertising Help Your Business to Grow?


Advertising plays a pivotal role to any business’s growth and development. Benefits of small business advertising include attracting new customers and selling more products and services to current customers. It increases profitability too by increasing the order size.

Let’s first drill down to understand how advertising can help a business grow depending upon your industry. Here are the benefits:

Generate Leads
Particularly for B2B businesses, advertising can fill your sales funnel and help you get more leads for your sales force to follow up on.

Improve Brand Awareness
Advertising keeps your business top of mind so consumers give it a thought when they need a service. This is good for service businesses such as: pest control or HVAC. However, almost any business can derive benefit out of it.

Lift Brand Image
For businesses who are suffering from poor perception, advertising can really transform public opinion and that create a more favorable impression.

Highlight Product Enhancements
Advertising can make people aware of improvements if your business has an existing product or service. If you let the people know about your innovation, it can really boost sales.

Drive Quick Online Sales
Advertising with pay per click ads can bring online sales quickly especially for eCommerce businesses. PPC ads can move the buyer to act the moment they view your ad and click on it. 

Boost through Leadership
If you want to be known for your expertise, ad can help. Native ads promote your content showing your expertise and building your reputation as a thought leader.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Reasons Why the Print Media is Reliable Source of Marketing

In this growing world, very few businesses succeed without advertisement. It introduces people to different products and diverse services of a business. However, for a small business owner, the question that hinders is what medium to use for advertising.

Everyone is looking for a way to break the communication barrier between their target customers, and there are many sources like online marketing, print media, television, etc.

While the online advertisement is attention-grabbing, but it still has some pitfalls. It gets easier for a business audience to get saturated with the online advertisements. So, print media can be considered as a reliable approach to reach the customers.

Here are some reasons that will show the importance of print media in today’s world and why it should be the first choice for local business advertising.

The benefit of print media advertising is tangibility. When you interact with the print media, you get engaged with content more easily. A study from Penn State found that the print ads stuck with the customer for a longer duration as compared to the online advertisements.

Print media is unique in order to trigger the consumer’s senses. Publications, magazines, posters, pamphlets, brochures can stay for years with you after they are received.

The internet is flooded with enormous fake advertisements, spam’s, viruses. Additionally, it consumes a lot of time to compile the data into information. The marketers know the importance of having a well-known brand. They print publication is an excellent way to establish your business.

When it comes to print media, all materials are properly edited, reviewed, and scrutinized by several channels before publishing. That means consumers that view the advertisement in a print publication is legitimate and verified.

Target Marketing
The placement and design of your small business ad in the newspapers or magazines can help you reach the target audience. With print media advertising, small businesses can select the position over the publication (where they want their ad to be published).

Successful small business owners use demographic breakdowns for their target customers. After analyzing the demographics, the business operators strategically place their ads to target their audience.

People surfing on the internet merely spends 20-25 seconds traversing a website, but those who have subscribed to newspapers or magazines made a decision to read it, as their focus is on the content. The ad headlines are designed to hold the attention of the audience.

The key to better engagement is attracting your customers to efficient content before rewarding them with service and offers. Indeed the advertisements are a part of the reading experience, so the print media provides the readers with the right context for a company’s campaign.

It can grab the attention of a reader with creative designs on consecutive pages, pamphlets, or cover wraps. Unlike digital advertising, print media offers more ad space to communicate and advertise.

The print media is a practical option for your local business advertising campaign. It will work efficiently to produce valuable results for your company. Advertising is all about experimenting with new things to yield good results. You can discover how print media can be beneficial for your small business.